Herbs and Vitamins For Hair Growth

There are hundreds of herbs and vitamins out there that promise to promote hair growth. It is difficult to separate myth from fact if you are not aware of the science behind balding and hair regrowth. When deciding whether to pay money for special vitamins, visit your physician first. While it is true that Folic Acid, Biotin, and Magnesium have been linked to healthy regrowth, high levels of these vitamins are not good for the body. A physician can properly diagnose whether you have any vitamin deficiencies and subsequently suggest a vitamin.
If you have an inadequate diet, it is recommended you consume special vitamins on the side. Green leafy vegetables and fruits are great natural sources of vitamins that will help nourish your hair. For example, green leafy vegetables are rich in vitamin E and can help improve blood circulation in the scalp. If you treat your body well, your hair will be better nourished and grow naturally. It is always better to consume vitamins in their natural sources rather than in supplemental tablets.
There are also certain herbs that have been recommended for hair growth. Aloe Vera and onions are both believed to be beneficial in protecting hair and encouraging growth. Garlic is also theorized to improve growth. Regardless of what herbs and vitamins for hair growth you use, always check its method of action. Herbs that stop the actions of DHT or prevent the conversion of testosterone into DHT will have the best chance of succeeding in stopping hair loss and regrowing hair.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2046612