Herbs For Hair Growth - Advice To Help Treat Your Hair

In this article I'm going to talk about herbs for hair growth. Using herbs for hair growth is one of the best options you can take. This is because it will stop hair loss and regrow your hair just as effective as prescribed drugs, except without the harsh side effects. Most people that use medical products such as Propecia have actually switched over to using herbs for hair growth because they couldn't deal with the side effects such as a loss of sex drive, inability to have an erection, depression, and anxiety. Described below are a few of the most important herbs you should be taking for hair growth.

Saw Palmetto
If you're reading this, you might already know the significance of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It's a chemical that resides in your scalp that grabs a hold of your hair follicles and retards their growth and cuts off their blood supply which is the reason your hair falls out. Saw Palmetto is the most important herb you should be taking for your hair treatment because it blocks DHT from attaching to your hair follicles and it will also stop additional production of DHT. This was ultimately promotes hair growth and stops additional hair from falling out.
Pumpkin (Cucurbita Maxima)
One of the best things you can be taking to help treat your hair loss is Cucurbita Maxima. This has been used for a long time as a hair loss supplement. This has shown to have activity against your testosterone, which is important in preventing additional hair loss.
What You Need To Understand:
Although Saw Palmetto and Cucurbita Maxima are important herbs for hair growth, but they are only a few of the many herbs you need to be taking for realistic hair growth. You should be taking other components such as Vitamin B6, Biotin, Nettle Root, and Muria Puama just to name a few. It's difficult to take all of these separately and in the right mixes. I've seen people trying to make their own custom mix of all these and didn't see a lot of results. I would suggest getting an herbal hair treatment pill that uses all these essential herbs. This is because it's a ton more convenient, and the makers put the herbs in the most potent mix for you to see the most effective results. Herbal pills are the most realistic option to stop hair loss and re-grow lost hair.
Did you know 95% of all cases of baldness are due to DHT in your scalp? There is a certain herb the is widely known to best block DHT to help grow you hair back. Click here to find out and to read our unbiased product reviews of the top herbal hair loss treatment pills.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1103866