Herbs For Hair Loss, Herbal Treatments For Hair Care

A healthy growth of hair is a desired thing for everybody especially in women as the free flowing, shiny and beautiful hair describes her beauty as a whole. So if there starts a sudden fall it can be a nightmare to anybody and Alopecia in men is equally undesirable. People in general are rather conscious about it much more than the overall health.
Hair fall can occur due to indigestion, deficiency of nutrients in the body, sudden gain or loss in weight or due to prolonged suffering from any disease. Women generally face this problem due to anemia or pregnancy. Side effects of any medication may also lead to this problem.
Herbal Treatments
Now-a-days a number of shampoos, potions, oils are promoted through the media and those are readily accessible to everybody. But whether those products are worth trying or not leaves much room for discussion. The naturally occurring herbs have been tested through ages and their efficacy is beyond any doubt.
1. Aloe Vera improves blood circulation and stimulates natural growth. It also prevents alopecia. Application of aloe directly on the scalp prevents hair fall and promotes growth of hair.
2. Arnica - Oil extracted from the dried arnica flowers has inflammable properties that reduce the dandruff making the scalp healthy helping in hair growth. The oil also stimulates the hair follicles that strengthens the hair and even prevents premature graying of the hair.
3. Birch - Many people try the birch oil which is believed to promote hair growth and prevents sudden thinning of hair.
4. Green tea has catechins that reduce alopecia in males. Drinking 3-4 cups of green tea daily or taking green tea capsules is beneficial in treating hair loss.
5. Brahmi has antioxidant properties and it provides nourishment to the hair and promotes growth of the hair. Moreover it fights dandruff and prevents the hair from splitting.
6. Chamomile herb is good to fight dandruff and it also prevents dryness of the scalp. It strengthens the hair and cures the damage caused by some internal disorders.
7. Catmint herb is used for rinsing after washing the hair. This prevents itching of the scalp that prevents the hair loss.
8. Onion helps in hair growth if applied externally before washing off the hair. Onion is rich in sulphur which helps in the healing of any damage on the scalp.
Health of the hair largely depends on the general condition of the body. Eating nutrient rich diet, drinking plenty of water and having sufficient sleep all contributes to shiny and attractive mane.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4193856